Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Granddaddy's Transportation

These are Granddaddy's horses and his carriage (reportedly, there is also a picture somewhere of these horses pulling Granddaddy's hearse).

The other two are  from a book I have entitled Cars of the Fabulous '50s.  (Isn't anyone curious why I own a book about cars?)  Anyway, Grandmother and Granddaddy had matching Dodges with the pushbutton shifter. (See picture to the right)

Hers was pink and white, his solid black. I'm not at all certain that the year was 1959, but the black one stayed

around long enough for me to drive it.

I'm pretty sure Uncle Kenneth wound up with the black one in 1978.

They were very cool cars.  But were they any cooler than the white horses and the carriage?  Not so sure. I love them both.

Thanks to Sue for sharing her picture of the horses and carriage

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