Wednesday, January 27, 2010

William Trimbletoes

This picture was scanned by Pete Cannon. His notes say, "Mary Isabelle (Cannon) Hayden seated on the lawn with Ruby holding her doll, and Fred, circa 1910."

William Trimbletoes,
He's a good fisherman.
Catches fishes,
Puts em in dishes.
Catches hens,
Puts em in pens.
Some lay eggs,
Some none.
Wire, briar,
limber lock.
Three geese,
In a flock.
One flew east.
One flew west.
One flew over the cuckoo's nest.
My Mama told me to pick this very one.
O....U....T..... you dirty dishrag YOU!

While not all my family members remember Maudie as the kind, nurturing great-grandmother who patiently colored and played games, that is who MY Maudie was. And William Trimbletoes was one of the games she played with me.

It was a finger-counting game. I'd spread my hands out and Maudie (also Mama) would gently touch each of my little fingers as they recited the rhyme. The finger that was "out" was then folded under my hand - missing from the next countdown.

I googled William Trimbletoes, just for kicks, and found lots of references.

And in case you don't recognize the little toes here, they belong to Shelley's babies: Evan, Nate, and Lizzie. Thought the toes of a new generation would be a most appropriate image to use in illustrating their great-great-great-grandmother's finger counting game.

William Trimbletoes - You were fun!

1 comment:

  1. I REALLY remember William Trimbletoes. I remember Mama teaching me the rhyme on my fingers. Hayden knows it and I'll start working on Ashleigh. -Melissa (not Hayden) :)
