Tuesday, August 25, 2015

It's About Time!

No posts since 2011!?  Had to ask myself what I've been doing since then. In a single statement: life as it was, is no more.  The changes haven't all been easy, but after (most) of the dust settled, I can say that all the changes are good.  

In the 4 years since my last post, I have become a member of the DAR with three documented ancestors approved and am actively working on two more.  It is the findings I am collecting during the search for "proofs" that has prompted me to reinstate this blog.

I need a place to share with all of you in such a way that you can pick and choose the information that is of most interest to you.  So, "DenneyGirls" is active once again - after all, it's about TIME! :)

(This is the Anniversary Clock Daddy brought to Mama from Germany after his service during the  Korean Conflict, 1951-1953)

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